According to the Department of Health, in 2005 a total of 45,037 suffered from cerebrovascular accident or commonly known as stroke. Studies shows that Hypertension, Diabetes and Cigarette Smoking link to this health problem. Sudden cardiac arrest attacks anytime to anybody and merely 50% of the victims have no symptoms. About 95% of sudden cardiac arrest patients die before reaching the hospitals if no immediate CPR or defibrillator is administered.
On August 16, bloggers were invited by Direct Source Healthcare to attend a free workshop on providing Heart Saver CPR AED Workshop. This aims to teach us, bloggers how to administer CPR effectively and learn the use of an AED device. The event was hosted by Ms. Lisa Padilla-Cortez, Direct Source Healthcare Manager, Philippines and Mr. Joseph Rommel Cortez, an American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor.
Bloggers Ethan, Bedalyn , Jinkee and Ruel Umali and Cecille Cinco
Be Prepared To Save Lives!

- Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) strikes Anytime, Anywhere and to Anybody.
- 50% of the victims have no symptoms
- About 95% of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital, if no immediate CPR and/or defibrillation is administered.
- Save rates using standard support is 2% to 5%
- Brain damage can start to occur in just 4 to 6 minutes after the heart stops pumping blood.
- Survival rates of sudden cardiac arrest victims are as high as 48 to 74 % if immediate CPR and the first shock is delivered within 3 to 5 minutes. Ambulances/EMS arrives 10-15 minutes upon making the call.
- Sudden cardiac arrest deaths increases yearly especially in people ages 10 to 34 years old.
The Heart Saver CPR AED Course is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course program that aims to empower laypersons to be well informed and skilled on the importance of how to perform CPR. It is especially designed for anyone with limited or no medical training who might be the first to respond in the workplace or community. The training course will provide the skills to effectively assess and maintain life from the critical minutes immediately following an emergency until the arrival of emergency medical services personnel. Focus will be on CPR and use of an AED for the adult, child and pediatric patients. The course is updated with the new 2010 Guidelines. It has a 2 year accreditation with the American Heart Association.
A utomated
E xternal
D effibrilator
Is a computerized medical device. It can check the person’s heart rhythm. It can also recognize a rhythm that requires a shock. It can advise the rescuer when a shock is needed. It uses voice prompts, light and text messages to tell the rescuer the steps to take. AEDs are very accurate and easy to use. With a few hours of training, anyone can learn to operate an AED safely. It is the only machine that can restore a normal heart rhythm in victims of sudden cardiac arrest. An estimated 100, 000 lives could be saved each year if AEDs were widely used.
Benefits, Features and Advantages of ZOLL AED
AED with Rectilinear Biphasic Waveform Support for the complete chain of survival as taught by the American Heart Association (AHA), starting with checking responsiveness and ending with CPR. *A one-piece electrode pad for the fast, accurate, and easy electrode placement that lasts for five years. *Can be configured for use with Pediatric pads. *Power from an array of ten lithium camera batteries (available at retail) – lasts 4 years. *LCD display showing voice prompt messages, device advisory messages, elapsed time, shock count, and chest compression graph display. *Upgradeability * Seven years warranty
Learn about CPR AED Course, visit:
Direct Source Healthcare on Facebook
Landline No: (02) 861-5047
Mobile No: (+63) 918.833.5472
(+63) 918.805.8626
Visit ZOLL AED Life Saving Device on Facebook
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